Watch out for rare celestial ballet tomorrow

The next Venus transit will happen only in 2117

If the subject of astronomy interests you, here is a unique celestial treat you may not want to miss. Astronomers worldwide are gearing up to view a rare event occurring in the solar system. There will a significant alignment of planets (Earth and Venus) with the Sun on June 6 that will not be seen for another 105 years. Clear skies permitting this eagerly-awaited event will be ushered in along with the rising Sun in Chennai at 5.43 a.m.

Occurring after a gap of eight years (Venus transit last occurred on June 8, 2004), the silhouette of Venus will appear like a black moving dot on the sun’s northern limb. It will span the surface of the sun in nearly four hours. Finally by 10.22 a.m., the celestial guest will bid adieu to sky watchers all over Tamil Nadu. Globally, the transit will begin at 3.39 a.m. (IST) and end at 10. 22 a.m. (IST) on June 6.

Originally written for The Hindu,